
Friday, 6 January 2012


Subject : Analysis of Algorithm & Design

Module :

1 Introduction to analysis of algorithm
 •  Design and analysis fundamentals.
•  Performance analysis ,space  and  time complexity.
•  Growth of function – Big-Oh, Omega, theta notation.
•  Mathematical background for algorithm analysis.
•  Randomized and recursive algorithm.

2  Divide and Conquer
•  Genaral method , Binary search, finding the min and max.
•  Merge sort analysis.
•  Quick sort,  performance measurement.
•  Randomized version of quick sort and analysis.
•  Partitioned algorithm selection sort, radix sort, efficiency
•  Strassen’s matrix multiplication.

3  Greedy Method
•  General mehod.
•  Knapsack problem.
•  Minimum cost spanning tree- kruskal and primal algo,
   performanance analysis.
•  Single source shorted path .
•  Job sequencing with deadlines.
•  Optimal storage on tapes.

4  Dynamic Programming

•  The general method
•  Multistage graphs, all pair shortest paths, single source
   shortest paths
•  Optimal BST ,0/1 knapsack
•  TSP, flow shop scheduling

5  Backtracking
•  The general method.
•  8 queen problem ,sum of subsets.
•  Graph coloring,hamltonian cycles.
•  Knapsack problem.

6  Branch and Bound

•  The method, LC search.
•  15 puzzle:An example.
•  Bounding and FIFO branch and bound .
•  LC branch and bound .
•  0/1 knapsack problem.
•  TP efficiency considerations.

7  Internet algorithm
•  Strings and patterns matching algorithm .
•  Tries.
•  Text compression.
•  Text similarity testing.

Notes :

1) Analysis of Algorithms-SE (Vidyalankar).pdf

2) AOAD part1 (Sem-IV) Comp. Prof.R.V..Sadguru's.pdf

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